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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clutter be Gone!

I have a friend who is completely organized. Once I went to her house and she didn’t want me to open one of her kitchen cabinets because it was a “mess”. I opened it anyway and the cabinet looked better than mine does AFTER I’ve organized it. She’s the type of person who would be perfect for a Clutterbusters franchise. This company was started in March 2002 by Betsy Fein, who had been laid off from her job as an HR director. She had always gotten compliments by her friends that she’s organized, and decided the world had a market niche for organizers. She started the company with only $5000. She began by charging lower prices for her services than her competitors, then raised the price when she obtained some clients. Her initial ad campaign garnered 10 clients in the first week. Today, she’s franchised the business to two others, and has plans to franchise to 300 before she’s finished in the US.