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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Genius site is a win win win for company, bloggers, and stumblers

Since starting this blog, I’ve visited several other blogs to gain tips on how to improve my site. There’s one in particular I find fascinating, called dailyblogtips.com. The writer convinced me there is a myth that you don’t need to spend any money to get publicity for your blog. There are tons of blogs, a new one being created on average every two seconds, and it’s very easy for your website to get lost in cyberspace if you don’t use a little bit of money on marketing. As a fom of advertising, Dailyblogtips turned me on to Stumbleupon.

Ever hear that Bruce Springsteen song “57 channels and nothing on”? To me, the internet can be like this. I have about six sites I visit daily, but beyond that, I’m kind of lost as to what sites I want to “surf”. If you register to be a (free) member of stumbleupon, you submit what types of sites you want to check out: business, news, entertainment, etc. You install the toolbar and then click the button and it sends you to a new supposedly random site to surf. Stumbleupon makes their money from people like me, who give them five cents every time they direct stumblers to my site. It’s an amazing product. So far I’ve spent ten bucks and they’ve sent me two hundred visitors. There are over 5 million "stumblers". The site was launched in 2002 by three 20 somethings in their apartment in Canada. Nothing short of brilliant. I see Ebay bought Stumbleupon last year for around $75 million.


Mom 2 Two said...

Nice site! I enjoyed reading the back stories on sites you blogged about.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Stumbleupon advertising. I just found your site stumbling, & I'm glad I did. Just recently I created a stumbleupon campaign for my start-up AdChiclet.com , but I'm not sure if the advertising will be as effective for a service business.

Tamal Anwar said...

I heard about Stumble campaign and it seemed great. A nice tip is to use your most interesting page for the campaign. If the reader liked it, he will stumble again and you get a .05 cent value for free! The promotion could be automated and will keep going if you use this method.